Wisconsin Dartball
Golden Lion TUE
Inning Scoring
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Team Runs Pct Runs Pct Runs Pct Runs Pct Runs Pct Runs Pct Runs Pct
Achy Breaky Darts 4 11.8 3 8.8 5 14.7 6 17.6 7 20.6 6 17.6 3 8.8
Cabana Boys 45 20.5 33 15.1 28 12.8 29 13.2 45 20.5 25 11.4 14 6.4
Dilly Dilly 25 14.0 31 17.3 28 15.6 20 11.2 25 14.0 32 17.9 18 10.1
Here for the Busch 48 25.1 26 13.6 22 11.5 41 21.5 25 13.1 20 10.5 9 4.7
Pour Me A Double 14 21.9 7 10.9 14 21.9 6 9.4 9 14.1 9 14.1 5 7.8
Team Name Here 23 16.7 26 18.8 17 12.3 33 23.9 18 13.0 15 10.9 6 4.3
The Prince-Asses 5 13.9 6 16.7 1 2.8 7 19.4 6 16.7 8 22.2 3 8.3
Ultimate Warriors 8 6.0 24 18.0 28 21.1 21 15.8 28 21.1 15 11.3 9 6.8