Wisconsin Dartball
Golden Lion TUE
Statistic Leaders
Viewing Top with a minimum of 0 Games
Player NameTeam NameValue
Cody Voegerl Dilly Dilly .443
Ryan Babcock Pour Me A Double .440
Tony Miklaszewski Cabana Boys .431
Mike Navarre Cabana Boys .424
Boo Dilly Dilly .419
Player NameTeam NameValue
Cody Voegerl Dilly Dilly 128
Eric Behling Here for the Busch 126
Brian Tierney Here for the Busch 117
Jay Tuma Dilly Dilly 115
Tony Miklaszewski Cabana Boys 113
R B Is
Player NameTeam NameValue
Tony Miklaszewski Cabana Boys 61
Jay Tuma Dilly Dilly 57
Brian Tierney Here for the Busch 54
Eric Behling Here for the Busch 51
Nick Kubiszewski Dilly Dilly 50
Player NameTeam NameValue
Cody Voegerl Dilly Dilly 111
Eric Behling Here for the Busch 91
Russell Kluz Team Name Here 83
Brian Tierney Here for the Busch 70
Don Grossman Team Name Here 65
Player NameTeam NameValue
Travis Sjodin Pour Me A Double 56
Jay Tuma Dilly Dilly 51
Mark Slusar Team Name Here 49
Tony Miklaszewski Cabana Boys 42
Brian Tierney Here for the Busch 40
Player NameTeam NameValue
Sonia Achy Breaky Darts 7
Tony Miklaszewski Cabana Boys 6
Brian Tierney Here for the Busch 5
Joe Pawlak Here for the Busch 4
Colleen Sjodin Pour Me A Double 4
Home Runs
Player NameTeam NameValue
Carmen Jacobson Achy Breaky Darts 9
Vicki Cota The Prince-Asses 3
Laura Schlieve Pour Me A Double 3
Eric Behling Here for the Busch 3
Rory The Prince-Asses 3
Off The Boards
Player NameTeam NameValue
Jeanne Cassinelli The Prince-Asses 62
Logan Cota The Prince-Asses 47
Sonia Achy Breaky Darts 45
Joey Cassinelli The Prince-Asses 43
Colleen Sjodin Pour Me A Double 36
Game Winning R B Is
Player NameTeam NameValue
Jay Tuma Dilly Dilly 11
Vince Farina Cabana Boys 10
Nick Kubiszewski Dilly Dilly 8
Don Grossman Team Name Here 8
Travis Sjodin Pour Me A Double 8
Walk Offs
Player NameTeam NameValue
Jay Tuma Dilly Dilly 2
Laura Schlieve Pour Me A Double 1
Mike Gara Pour Me A Double 1
Vince Farina Cabana Boys 1
Mike Navarre Cabana Boys 1
Double Plays
Player NameTeam NameValue
Nick Kubiszewski Dilly Dilly 5
Mike Gara Pour Me A Double 4
Steve Sosalla Ultimate Warriors 4
Joe Ma Here for the Busch 3
Jay Tuma Dilly Dilly 3
Sacrifice Hits
Player NameTeam NameValue
Eric Behling Here for the Busch 6
Travis Sjodin Pour Me A Double 4
Steve Sosalla Ultimate Warriors 4
Mark Slusar Team Name Here 3
Dustin Janikowski Cabana Boys 3