Wisconsin Dartball
State 4-Player 2021
Tournament Summary
Stat |
Value |
16 |
Matches Played
23 |
Matches with 3 Games Played
13 |
Games Played
59 |
Extra Inning Games Played
4 |
Most Innings Played 1 Game
10 |
Total Hits
2,158 |
Total Runs
1,363 |
Most Runs Scored
39 |
Most Runs Scored in Inning
16 |
Average Win Differential
6.73 |
Winning Team Avg Runs
14.92 |
Losing Team Avg Runs
8.19 |
Close Games (= 1)
13 |
Blowout Games (>= 10)
10 |
10 |
Stat |
Player Name |
Value |
High Hits
Chuck Spahn |
12 |
Dennis laPlant |
12 |
High RBIs
Dan Redig |
12 |
High Singles
Dennis laPlant |
9 |
High Triples
Brian Neise |
8 |
Stat |
Player Name |
Value |
High Hits
Tad Schwefel |
23 |
High RBIs
Al Brandenberg |
23 |
High Singles
Jim Albright |
18 |
High Triples
Al Brandenberg |
14 |
Brian Shimanek |
14 |
Stat |
Player Name |
Value |
High Average
Mr. Ding and Dent |
.550 |
Hallmans 1 |
.539 |
Pete & Sons |
.520 |
Yahr Oil Co 2 |
.510 |
Olson's |
.495 |
High Runs/Game
Mr. Ding and Dent |
18.3 |
Hallmans 1 |
16.4 |
Pete & Sons |
15.6 |
Yahr Oil Co 2 |
13.0 |
Olson's |
13.0 |
Stat |
Player Name |
Value |
High Average
Terry Albreight |
.704 |
Terry Ford |
.679 |
Al Brandenberg |
.654 |
Jim Albright |
.645 |
Chuck Spahn |
.636 |
High Hits
Al Brandenberg |
68 |
Dan Redig |
63 |
Mark Ruhbusch |
61 |
Mike Andrastek |
56 |
Doug Fiedler |
56 |
High RBIs
Al Brandenberg |
56 |
Dan Redig |
51 |
Brian Shimanek |
46 |
Josh Ott |
42 |
Mark Ruhbusch |
35 |
Doug Fiedler |
35 |
High Singles
Dan Redig |
49 |
Mark Ruhbusch |
43 |
Mike Andrastek |
39 |
Doug Fiedler |
39 |
Jared Kuhfuss |
38 |
High Triples
Brian Shimanek |
49 |
Al Brandenberg |
32 |
Chuck Spahn |
23 |
Brian Neise |
22 |
Nick Fries |
20 |
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