Wisconsin Dartball
Kettle Moraine Lutheran Dartball League
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League News
First Half Completed
created 11/23/2024 @ 12:18pm by JWM

Congratulations to Iron Ridge and Newburg for winning the first half in their respective divisions. They will receive automatic bids to the Round Robin Tournament and also will be hosting the second half winners in the playoff for the League Regular Season Championship.

Here's a recap of last week's West finale from Scott Oshefsky from Iron Ridge:

Last night another story in the long history of Iron Ridge dartball occurred. Needing just one win to clinch the first half and after losing the first two games the third game tied in the bottom of the tenth after a single Connie Mose stepped to the plate not feeling confident in hitting a triple but after encouragement from Douglas Schulz she went for it and…DELIVERED!! Sending the team to the first half championship.
Start of Season
created 09/22/2024 @ 4:48pm by JWM

Thank you to everyone who is continuing the great tradition of Lutheran church dartball into 2024-25. We will miss Slinger this season and hope to see them back in the league soon. We also welcome TCC 2, many of whose faces should be familiar if you remember the previous River Church 2 team.

This season we will be figuring out the first night handicap after the games. It is recommended to keep track of the games on paper if you are unfamiliar with how to navigate the app to accomodate this (you can then go back and enter in the games into the app afterwards to upload the games and statistics). Because of this, please play all 9 innings of every game. Even if the game is tied at the moment, do not continue the games. After the handicap is figured out, if there are any tied games please then go back and continue the game (where it would have picked up in the batting order had the game continued as normal).

Good luck to everyone this season. If there are any questions or problems with the technology or anything else during the year, please reach out to an officer and we will be happy to try and help. Look forward to seeing everyone again during the season. Play ball!

Round Robin Results
created 02/19/2024 @ 4:38pm by JWM

Thanks to everyone who came out to the 2024 Round Robin Tournament. Special thanks to the St. Andrews dartball team and youth for hosting the tournament. They did a fantastic job. Here are the results of the tournament:

1st Place: HUILSBURG. 4 wins--1 loss--34 runs--66 hits

2nd Place: TRINITY COMMUNITY CENTER:  3.5 wins--1.5 losses--30 runs--62 hits

3rd Place: HUSTY-WOOD: 3 wins--2 losses--21 runs--51 hits

4th Place: SHEPHERD OF THE HILLS: 2.5 wins--2.5 losses--34 runs--75 hits

5th Place: PILGRIM: 1 win--4 losses--18 runs--49 hits

6th Place: GOOD SHEPHERD: 1 win--4 losses--17 runs--45 hits

Round Robin Schedule
created 02/16/2024 @ 5:31pm by JWM

Everyone is welcome to attend the 2024 Round Robin Tournament, February 18, 2024 at St. Andrews Lutheran in West Bend. Matches start at 1pm. Concessions will be provided by the St. Andrews Youth Group to help fund a youth rally/gathering this summer.

Here is the schedule and run averages for the 2024 Round Robin Tournament held Feburary 18, 2024 at St. Andrews Lutheran in West Bend:

Team Run Averages

Shepherd of the Hills-6; Good Shepherd--7; Pilgrim--5; TCC--6; Husty-Wood--3; Huilsburg--4

Round 1
1:00 PM
Team Board Team
Pilgrim 1 Husty-Wood
SOTH 2 Good Shepherd
TCC 3 Huilsburg
Round 2
1:45 PM
Team Board Team
Good Shepherd 1 TCC
Pilgrim 2 Huilsburg
SOTH 3 Husty-Wood
Round 3
2:30 PM
Team Board Team
Husty-Wood 1 Huilsburg
Good Shepherd 3 Pilgrim
Round 4
3:15 PM
Team Board Team
SOTH 1 Pilgrim
Good Shepherd 2 Huilsburg
Husty-Wood 3 TCC
Round 5
4:00 PM
Team Board Team
Husty-Wood 1 Good Shepherd
Pilgrim 2 TCC
SOTH 3 Huilsburg


Congratulations & Post Season Information
created 02/01/2024 @ 5:57pm by JWM
Semi-Annual Meeting/Elections
created 11/29/2023 @ 6:52am by JWM

The semi-annual meeting will be held Monday, December 4 at St. Paul's, Slinger at 7pm. We will be finalizing the end of season activities (tournaments, banquet) as well as electing new officers for 2024-25. We would encourage everyone to consider serving as an officer. We are always looking for new people to help run the league and bring new ideas and thoughts to the officer team. If you have any questions please contact a current officer.

We will also be having the second reading of the proposed bylaw changes. If approved at this meeting, they will become effective. All captains should have received the bylaws via email. If anyone else is interested in receiving them, please contact Jeff Moldenhauer.

created 09/11/2023 @ 7:41am by JWM

Reminder: Teams with a bye in Week 1 should use their previous season's run average for their first match in Week 2. 


Good Shepherd--6;  Hartford--7;  New Fane--4; Newburg--4; Pilgrim--5; Shep of the Hills--5; Slinger--2; St. Andrew--2; Allenton will need to establish their handicap after the first night and apply it retroactively to their Week 1 games. 


Browns Corners--4; Horicon--5; Huilsburg--5; Husty-Wood--2; Iron Ridge--3; Kekoskee--3; Neosho--4; TCC--6; Zion--4

Round Robin Tournament
created 03/05/2023 @ 7:06pm by JWM

Congratulations to all the teams who made it to the Round Robin Tournament in 2023. Special thanks to the Husty-Wood dartball team and Bethany Lutheran School for setting up and hosting the tournament and providing concessions.

Special congratulations to the champions of the tournament: Shepherd of the Hills. The results are as follows:

1st Place--Shepherd of the Hills (4-1 record, 30 runs, 63 hits); 2nd Place--New Fane (3.5-1.5 record, 27 runs, 61 hits); 3rd Place--Horicon (3-2 record, 18 runs, 44 hits); 4th Place--Neosho (2.5-2.5 record, 15 runs, 42 hits); 5th Place--TCC (2-3 record, 31 runs, 65 hits); 6th Place--Good Shepherd (0-5 record, 15 runs, 46 hits)

2023 Tournament
created 02/27/2023 @ 5:40am by JWM

Thank you to everyone for a successful 2023 League Tournament. Special thanks to: St. John's Newburg for hosting the tournament and all the work they put in to make it happen; St. Lucas Kewaskum for allowing us to host the tournament at their school; Rachel Steger and Jackie Bertram for handling the scorekeeping and standings; and all the teams and players for fun and fellowship.

Additional congratulations to the top teams in the tournament: 1st Place--Huilsburg; 2nd Place--St. Andrews; 3rd Place--Kekoskee; 4th Place--Newburg. And to the top shooters for the weekend: Leon Schmidt (Hartford)--595, Jeff Kummrow (Kekoskee)--550; Kevin Nank (Good Shepherd)--537; Keith Moldenhauer (Huilsburg)--521; Jeff Moldenhauer (Huilsburg)--511.

2022-23 League Tournament
created 12/12/2022 @ 6:17am by JWM

Mark your calendars: The 2022-23 League Tournament will be February 25th and 26th at St. Lucas Lutheran School in Kewaskum. Start times will be 7pm on the 25th and 12:30pm on the 26th.

2022 Semi Annual Meeting
created 11/30/2022 @ 6:08am by JWM

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving weekend. 

We will be having the KMLDL Semi Annual Meeting on Monday, December 5th at 7pm at St Paul's, Slinger. 

We will be discussing issues from this season, finalizing year end tournaments and the banquet, and electing officers for 2023-24.

We are always looking for new members to join the officer team. If you have any interest, or if any one on your teams might be interested, please let us know at the meeting or ahead of time if you are unable to attend. 

I hope to see you next Monday. 

2022-23 Officer List
created 09/11/2022 @ 8:43am by JWM

The 2022-23 Officer List can be found on the "Officer" tab.


2022-23 Teams, Locations, & Managers
created 09/11/2022 @ 8:02am by JWM

The teams, playing locations, managers, and manager contact information can be found on the "Teams" page of this league.


2022-23 First Night Handicap Runs
created 09/11/2022 @ 8:01am by JWM
East Team Run Average   West Team Run Average
Good Shepherd 6   Browns Corners 4
Hartford 5   Horicon 6
Hartford DH 1   Huilsburg 5
New Fane 4   Husty-Wood 2
Newburg 5   Iron Ridge 3
Pilgrim 6   Kekoskee 3
Shep of the Hills 7   Neosho 4
Slinger 2   TCC 6
St. Andrew 3   Zion 4
West Division Champs
created 02/17/2022 @ 9:40am by JWM

Congratualtions to Horicon for winning the West Division! After winning the first game 6-2, they hold on in a tight second game 8-7 to take the match.

West Wildcard
created 02/17/2022 @ 8:30am by JWM

Congratulations to TCC for winning the West Wildcard playoff against Huilsburg. Scores were 6-8, 12-5, 8-7

Wild Card
created 02/16/2022 @ 9:10pm by Gabe

Congratulations to New Fane for beating Newburg to get into the round robin tournement. Good luck to New Fane in the round robin and good luck to all in the year end church tournement.

Eastern Division Champs
created 02/16/2022 @ 9:04pm by Gabe

Congratulations to Pilgrim on becoming the eastern division champions. Good Shepherd did not go down without a fight. It was a tough match and it went all 3 games. Game 1 was 16-6 (Pilgrim), game 2 was 5-0 (Good Shepherd) and game 3 was 7-5 (Pilgrim). Good luck in the round robin to both teams and good luck to all in the year end tournement!

Handicap cheat sheet
created 01/14/2022 @ 11:49am by Gabe

Handi cap cheat sheet.png

End of Year Letter
created 02/18/2020 @ 10:42am by JWM

Captains: You should have received an end-of-year letter from the Secretary via email. If you did not receive it please let us know. Please get your team statistics into the Secretary as soon as possible. Make note of whether your team is scheduled to bring their board, stand, and light to the League Tournament and if you are unable to please let us know as soon as possible.

1st Half Results
created 11/20/2019 @ 7:23am by JWM

Congratulations to Shepherd of the Hills for winning the East Division and to Trinity Community Center for winning the West Division First Halves. SOTH won their division outright while TCC takes the crown based on a head-to-head matchup win over Iron Ridge 1. The season starts anew this week meaning that everyone still has a chance to qualify for the post-season tournament.

2019-20 Schedule is up!
created 09/06/2019 @ 7:17pm by Gabe

Just got done installing the 2019-20 season. Good luck to all. Have fun!