Wisconsin Dartball
Lucky 7 Dartball League
Statistic Leaders
Viewing Top with a minimum of 109 At Bats
Player NameTeam NameValue
Mike "Obie" Obluck Dopp's #2 .492
Dave Mals Dopp's #1 .490
Mike Scherer Dopp's #2 .474
Randy Bevilacqua Dopp's #2 .461
Marty Raasch On the Edge .441
Player NameTeam NameValue
Jim Cason Dopp's #1 155
Dave Mals Dopp's #1 153
Marty Raasch On the Edge 143
Michael "Mitch" Schmid Karma 137
Jack Willison On the Edge 135
R B Is
Player NameTeam NameValue
Dave Mals Dopp's #1 99
Jack Willison On the Edge 80
Lance Shorey Karma 72
Michael "Mitch" Schmid Karma 70
Art Haack Karma 69
Player NameTeam NameValue
Jim Cason Dopp's #1 122
Marty Raasch On the Edge 112
Art Haack Karma 93
Paul Oleniczak On the Edge 92
Tony Klosowski Dopp's #2 90
Player NameTeam NameValue
Dave Mals Dopp's #1 65
Jack Willison On the Edge 52
Michael "Mitch" Schmid Karma 48
Lance Shorey Karma 47
Randy Bevilacqua Dopp's #2 40
Player NameTeam NameValue
Tony Klosowski Dopp's #2 8
Al Kasinski Dopp's #2 6
Mike Scherer Dopp's #2 4
Dustin Biermann Dopp's #2 4
Fritz Berg Dopp's #2 3
Home Runs
Player NameTeam NameValue
Steve Koch Dopp's #1 3
Jackie Mauhar Da Bar 2
Sarah Smith Da Bar 2
Angie Artuso Da Bar 1
Jim Cason Dopp's #1 1
Off The Boards
Player NameTeam NameValue
Angela Schmitz Da Bar 52
James Zacher On the Edge 30
Jackie Mauhar Da Bar 29
Al Kasinski Dopp's #2 29
Dustin Biermann Dopp's #2 27
Game Winning R B Is
Player NameTeam NameValue
Dave Mals Dopp's #1 17
Michael "Mitch" Schmid Karma 10
Jack Willison On the Edge 8
Rich Sweno On the Edge 8
Andy Anderson Dopp's #1 7
Walk Offs
Player NameTeam NameValue
Dave Mals Dopp's #1 2
Andy Anderson Dopp's #1 2
Tony Klosowski Dopp's #2 2
Michael "Mitch" Schmid Karma 2
Joe St. Louis Karma 2
Double Plays
Player NameTeam NameValue
Chris "Zippy" Michalek Karma 7
Bryant "Bones" Bullock Grainger's 7
Bill Hartwig On the Edge 6
Tom Vogt On the Edge 5
Jack Willison On the Edge 5
Sacrifice Hits
Player NameTeam NameValue
Paul Oleniczak On the Edge 5
Art Haack Karma 4
Tony Klosowski Dopp's #2 4
Tom Vogt On the Edge 3
Kyle Cason Dopp's #1 3